The Cabin in the Woods Wiki
Charger Profile

The Charger as seen in Left 4 Dead.

The Charger is a cameo Monster from the video game franchise Left for Dead. It is a type of 'Special Infected' zombie that makes an appearance in the film's final version, along with fellow special infected the Boomer, Smoker, Tank, Hunter and Witch.

You can read more about the Charger and other Left for Dead lore here:

Physical Description and Attributes[]

According to the Left for Dead Fandom: "The Charger is a large Infected, close to the Tank in height and about half as wide. Unlike the Tank, the Charger's legs are capable of supporting all of his weight, and thus stands mostly upright. His hairless skin is a deep greenish gray in color, and he wears bloodstained denim overalls with one broken strap and a green sneaker on his right foot. The Charger's mutations appear similar to the Tank's mutations in terms of increased muscle mass, though noticeably asymmetrical. Most notably, the Charger's right arm and shoulder have grown significantly and have increased in thickness, resulting in his right hand becoming a swollen lump with stubby fingers. This causes him to lean to the right while moving. His left arm, inversely, has atrophied to the point of being useless (possibly from his body breaking it down to add bulk to his right arm), hanging limply to the Charger's side and flapping around with every movement."


only the outline of the Charger is seen in the movie during the elevator scene, in its cube near the top left. It is not seen during the System Purge.


The Charger, along with its fellow special infected, makes an appearance in the film's final edit as a cameo because the developers at Valve wanted to create and release a DLC chapter in Left for Dead that featured The Cabin and Facility as maps. However, the idea was scrapped due to bankruptcy.

